Бабка, Дед, Колобок, Волк, Заяц, Лиса, Медведь
Жил-был старик со старухой. Вот просит старик:
— Испеки мне, старая, колобок.
— Да из чего испечь то? Муки нет.
— Эх, старуха, по амбару помети, по сусекам поскреби — вот и наберётся.
Старуха так и сделала: намела, наскребла горсти две муки, замесила
тесто на сметане, скатала колобок, изжарила его в масле и положила
на окно простынуть. Надоело колобку лежать: он и покатился с окна
на завалинку, с завалинки на траву, с травки на дорожку и покатился
по дорожке.
Катится колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему заяц:
— Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
— Нет, не ешь меня, косой, а лучше послушай, какую я тебе песенку спою:
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл:
От тебя, заяц, и подавно убегу!
И покатился колобок дальше: только его заяц и видел.
Катится колобок по тропинке в лесу, а навстречу ему серый волк:
— Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
— Не ешь меня, серый волк, я тебе песенку спою. И колобок запел:
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл:
От тебя, волк, и подавно убегу!
Покатился колобок дальше: только его волк и видел.
Катится колобок по лесу, а навстречу ему медведь идёт.
Хворост ломает, кусты к земле гнёт:
— Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
— Ну, где тебе, косолапому, съесть меня. Послушай лучше мою песенку.
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл,
Я от волка ушёл:
От тебя, медведь, и подавно убегу!
И покатился колобок: медведь только вслед ему посмотрел.
Катится колобок, а навстречу ему лиса:
— Здравствуй, колобок. Какой ты пригоженький, румяненький.
Колобок рад, что его похвалили, и запел свою песенку, а лиса слушает
да всё ближе подкрадывается:
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл,
Я от волка ушёл,
Я от медведя ушёл:
От тебя, лиса, и подавно убегу!
— Славная песенка! — сказала лиса. — Да то беда, голубчик, что я стара
стала — плохо слышу. Сядь ко мне на мордочку, да пропой ещё разочек;
Колобок обрадовался, что его песенку похвалили;
прыгнул лисе на мордочку да и запел:
— Я колобок, колобок!..
А лиса его — ам! — и съела.
Жил-был старик со старухой. Вот просит старик:
— Испеки мне, старая, колобок.
— Да из чего испечь то? Муки нет.
— Эх, старуха, по амбару помети, по сусекам поскреби — вот и наберётся.
Старуха так и сделала: намела, наскребла горсти две муки, замесила
тесто на сметане, скатала колобок, изжарила его в масле и положила
на окно простынуть. Надоело колобку лежать: он и покатился с окна
на завалинку, с завалинки на траву, с травки на дорожку и покатился
по дорожке.
Катится колобок по дорожке, а навстречу ему заяц:
— Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
— Нет, не ешь меня, косой, а лучше послушай, какую я тебе песенку спою:
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл:
От тебя, заяц, и подавно убегу!
И покатился колобок дальше: только его заяц и видел.
Катится колобок по тропинке в лесу, а навстречу ему серый волк:
— Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
— Не ешь меня, серый волк, я тебе песенку спою. И колобок запел:
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл:
От тебя, волк, и подавно убегу!
Покатился колобок дальше: только его волк и видел.
Катится колобок по лесу, а навстречу ему медведь идёт.
Хворост ломает, кусты к земле гнёт:
— Колобок, колобок! Я тебя съем.
— Ну, где тебе, косолапому, съесть меня. Послушай лучше мою песенку.
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл,
Я от волка ушёл:
От тебя, медведь, и подавно убегу!
И покатился колобок: медведь только вслед ему посмотрел.
Катится колобок, а навстречу ему лиса:
— Здравствуй, колобок. Какой ты пригоженький, румяненький.
Колобок рад, что его похвалили, и запел свою песенку, а лиса слушает
да всё ближе подкрадывается:
Я колобок, колобок!
По амбару метён,
По сусекам скребён,
У меня румяный бок,
Я веселый колобок!
Я от дедушки ушёл,
Я от бабушки ушёл,
Я от зайца ушёл,
Я от волка ушёл,
Я от медведя ушёл:
От тебя, лиса, и подавно убегу!
— Славная песенка! — сказала лиса. — Да то беда, голубчик, что я стара
стала — плохо слышу. Сядь ко мне на мордочку, да пропой ещё разочек;
Колобок обрадовался, что его песенку похвалили;
прыгнул лисе на мордочку да и запел:
— Я колобок, колобок!..
А лиса его — ам! — и съела.
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Account Number: 40802810402010001686, Currency: RUB
ITN: 143520788060. Bank: ALFA-BANK JSC, BIC: 044525593,
Cor. Account: 30101810200000000593
The legal address of the company: Leninsky Prospect, 111, bld./str. 1, quarter / of. 98, Moscow
Personal Data Processing Policy

1. General Provisions
This personal data processing policy has been drafted in
accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" and determines the procedure for processing personal data and measures to ensure the security of personal data of Khudiakova Liubamira Viktorovna (hereinafter referred to as the Operator). The operator sets as his most important goal and condition for the implementation of his activity the observance of the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen in the processing of his personal data, including the protection of the rights to privacy, personal and family secrets. This policy of the Operator in relation to the processing of personal data (hereinafter - the Policy) applies to all information that the Operator can obtain about visitors to the website https://Myshady.ru.

2. Basic concepts used in the Policy

Automated processing of personal data - processing of personal data using computer equipment; Blocking of personal data - the temporary termination of the processing of personal data (except in cases where the processing is necessary to clarify personal data); Website - a set of graphic and information materials, as well as computer programs and databases, ensuring their availability
on the Internet at the network address https://myshady.ru; Personal Data Information System - a set of personal data contained in databases, and information technologies and technical means ensuring their processing; Personalization of personal data means actions that as a result of which it is impossible to determine without the use of additional information whether the personal data belong to a specific User or another subject of personal data; Personal data processing - any action (operation) or a set of actions (operations) performed with the use of automation tools or without the use of such tools with personal data, including the collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change), retrieval, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data; Operator - a state body, municipal body, legal or natural person, independently or jointly with other persons organizing and (or) processing personal data, as well as determining the purposes of personal data processing, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data; Personal data - any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or definable Website User https://myshady.ru; User - any visitor of the website https://myshady.ru; Provision of personal data - actions aimed at disclosing personal data to a specific person or a specific circle of persons; Dissemination of personal data - any actions aimed at disclosing personal data to an indefinite circle of persons (transfer of personal data) or to become familiar with personal data of an unlimited number of persons, including public disclosure of personal data in the media, placement in information and telecommunication networks or access to personal data in any other way; Cross-border transfer of personal data - transfer of personal data to the territory of a foreign state to the authority of a foreign state, foreign natural or foreign legal entity; Destruction of personal data - any actions that result in personal data being irretrievably destroyed with the impossibility of further restoring the content of personal data in the personal data information system and (or) the result of which are destroyed the physical media of personal data.

3. The operator can process the following personal data
of the User Full Name; Phone number; E-mail address;
Also on the site is the collection and processing of impersonal
data about visitors (including cookies) using Internet statistics
services (Yandex Metrika and Google Analytics and others).
The above data is hereinafter referred to as a Policy merged by
the general concept of Personal Data.

4. Purpose of processing personal data

The purpose of the processing of personal data of the User is
the conclusion, execution and termination of civil law contracts;
providing the User with access to services, information and / or
materials contained on the https://myshady.ru website;
clarification of details of the order.
The Operator also has the right to send notifications to the User
about new products and services, special offers and various
events. The user can always refuse to receive informational
messages by sending an email to info@myshady.ru with the
note "Refusal to notify about new products

5. Legal grounds for the processing of personal data
The Operator processes the User's personal data only if it is
filled out and / or sent by the User independently through
special forms located on the site https://myshady.ru. By filling
out the appropriate forms and / or sending your personal data
to the Operator, the User agrees with this Policy.
The operator processes the impersonal data about the User if it
is allowed in the settings of the User's browser (including the
preservation of cookies and the use of JavaScript technology).

6. The order of collection, storage, transfer and other
types of personal data processing

The security of personal data that are processed by the
Operator is ensured by implementing the legal, organizational
and technical measures necessary to fully implement the
requirements of the current legislation in the field of personal
data protection. The operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all
possible measures to prevent access to personal data of
unauthorized persons.
The personal data of the User will never, under any
circumstances, be passed on to third parties, with the exception
of cases related to the execution of current legislation.
In case of detection of inaccuracies in personal data, the User
can update them independently by sending a notification to the
Operator to the Operator's e-mail address info@myshady.ru
with the note "Actualization of personal data".
The term for processing personal data is unlimited. The user
may at any time withdraw his consent to the processing of
personal data by sending a notification to the Operator via e-
mail to the Operator's email address info@myshady.ru marked
"Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data".

7. Cross-border transfer of personal data
Prior to the commencement of the cross-border transfer of
personal data, the operator must ensure that the foreign state,
to whose territory it is planned to transfer personal data,
ensures reliable protection of the rights of the subjects of
personal data.
Cross-border transfer of personal data on the territory of foreign
states that do not meet the above requirements can only be
carried out if there is a written consent of the subject of
personal data on the cross-border transfer of his personal data
and / or performance of a contract to which the subject of
personal data is party.

8. Final provisions
The user can receive any clarifications on issues of interest
related to the processing of his personal data by contacting the
Operator via email info@myshady.ru.
This document will reflect any changes in the personal data
processing policy of the Operator. The policy is valid indefinitely
until replaced with a new version.
The current version of the Policy is freely available on the
Internet at https://docs.google.com/file/d/1Wvmji72YDL_KCdLcmOQ01OzdhypXLaG9/edit?filetype=msword
Return policy

Return policy
When paying by cards, a refund in cash is not allowed. The order of return is regulated by the rules of international payment systems. The procedure for the return of goods is regulated by Article 26.1 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights".
The consumer has the right to refuse the goods at any time prior to its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods – within seven days
Return of good quality goods is possible in the case if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and terms of purchase of the specified goods are preserved
The consumer has no right to refuse the goods of proper quality, having individual-specific properties, if the said goods can only be used by the person acquiring it;
If the consumer refuses the goods, the seller must refund to him the amount of money paid by the consumer under the contract, with the exception of the seller's costs for the delivery of the returned goods from the consumer, no later than ten days after the consumer submits the relevant demand
In order to return funds to the bank card, it is necessary to fill in the "Application for Return of Funds", which is sent on demand by the company to the e-mail address and send it along with a copy of the passport at info@myshady.ru
Refunds will be made to the bank card within 21 (twenty one) business days from the date of receipt of the "Application for Return of Funds" by the Company. In order to return funds for transactions made with errors, it is necessary to apply with a written application and an attachment copies of the passport and checks / receipts confirming the erroneous cancellation.
This application should be sent to info@myshady.ru. The refund amount will be equal to the purchase amount. The term for consideration of the Application and the return of funds shall begin to be calculated from the moment of receipt by the Company of the Application and is calculated in working days without taking into account holidays / days off.
Payment rules

Payment by bank cards is made through JSC ALFA-BANK.
VISA, MasterCard and MIR cards are accepted for payment.

Payment service via Internet is carried out in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of international payment systems Visa, MasterCard and Payment system MIR on the principles of confidentiality and security of payment, for which the most modern methods of verification, encryption and data transfer via closed communication channels are used. Bank card data are entered on the secure payment page of JSC ALFA-BANK.
On the page for entering the bank card data it is necessary to enter the bank card data: card number, cardholder's name, card validity period, three-digit security code (CVV2 for VISA, CVC2 for MasterCard, Additional Identification Code for MIR).
All necessary data is printed on the card itself.
The three-digit security code is the three digits on the back of the card.
Then you will be redirected to your bank's page to enter the security code, which will be sent to you via SMS.
If the security code does not come to you, you should contact the bank that issued your card.
Cases of refusal to make a payment:
The bank card is not intended for making payments via the Internet, which you can find out about by contacting your bank;
There are not enough funds to pay with a bank card. You can find out more about the availability of funds on your bankcard by contacting the bank that issued the bankcard;
Your bank card details have been entered incorrectly;
The bank card has expired. The card validity period is usually indicated on the front of the card (it is the month and year before the card is valid). You can find out more about the validity period of the card by contacting the bank that issued it;
If you have any questions about payment by bank card or other questions related to the website, please contact info@myshady.ru 8 (977) 282-58-28 or 8 (977) 268-76-88
The personal information you provide (name, address, phone number, e-mail, bank card number) is confidential and cannot be disclosed. Your credit card data is transmitted only in encrypted form and is not stored on our Web server.